On Sunday the mats at the Maghaberry Community Centre were buzzing, as our Adaptive / Inclusion session took place with a fantastic attendance and plenty of smiles!
The day even finished with a bit of a party and a game of “pin the tail on the coach!”
After a fun warm up, the attendees were taken through techniques, which as you can see from the pictures were put into action and the day was finished with fun and games leaving everyone with a feeling of a great session.
The sessions will continue as we look to focus on our Adaptive Open taking place in October.
A massive thank you to the following people for making the event happen:
- Peggy
- Russell
- Mark S
- Kirstie
- Jim
Our Adaptive / Inclusive initiatives are supported by Driver Training NI who also offer support to people with additional needs in passing their driving tests.
You can find out more about them here https://www.drivertrainingni.co.uk