We’re delighted to be sending a large cohort of players across the water to the British Schools Championships’ in March.
To assist with preparation, Coach Stephen McCluskey is adding additional sessions that players are encouraged to attend in the preparation and build up to the event.
The additional training is supported by NIJF funding, so there are no mat fees for the additional sessions:
Sunday 4th February 12.00-1.30pm in Lisburn Racquets Club.
(Players are encouraged to attend from 11.00 for separate Newaza session, if not already attending NI Closed event)
Saturday 10th February 10.30-12.30 in Ballymacrickett PS, Glenavy.
Sunday 11th February 12.00-1.30pm in Lisburn Racquets Club.
(Players are encouraged to attend from 11.00 for separate Newaza session if not attending the Shinsei competition)
Saturday 17th February for FULL Pathway Squad session in Ballymoney. Academy 11.00-12.30, and Pathway 12.30-2.00pm (details are here)
Sunday 18th February 12.00-1.30pm in Lisburn Racquets Club. (Players are encouraged to attend from 11.00 for separate Newaza session)
Saturday 24th February 10.30-12.30 in Ballymacrickett PS, Glenavy.
Sunday 25th February 12.00-1.30pm in Lisburn Racquets Club. (Players are encouraged to attend from 11.00 for separate Newaza session)
Saturday 3rd March 10.30-12.30 in Ballymacrickett PS, Glenavy. (Venue subject to change)